Kevin Robb Designs


MS Thesis: Coarse Map Navigation (CMN)

  • Implemented CMN pipeline to perform localization and navigation tasks using hand-drawn maps.
  • Created architecture to run discrete CMN on a physical robot.
  • Extended discrete CMN to a more robust localization framework using several different perception methods.
  • Developed proof-of-concept for continuous state/action-space CMN.

Pose-Graph SLAM Implementation

  • Final project for MATH-7332: Riemannian Optimization @ NEU.
  • Derived Pose-Graph SLAM for history of robot poses in SE(2) and landmarks detections in R^2.
  • Implemented as new localization node in my custom simulator.


EKF-SLAM Personal Project

  • Custom simulator in ROS Noetic, including measurement generation, command execution, and live visualization.
  • Derived EKF & UKF for online landmark-based SLAM with a 2D mobile robot.
  • Local path-planning & navigation with A* and pure pursuit.

MichelARMgelo Robot Arm Drawing Project

  • Final project for CS-5335: Robotic Science & Systems @ NEU.
  • Used an Interbotix PincherX 150 robot arm with a custom end-effector to draw with a marker.
  • Derived equations to generate smooth marker-tip trajectories on flat, concave, and convex surfaces.
  • Created ROS Noetic architecture to plan and execute drawings.

ORB_SLAM3 Implementation

  • Final project for EECE-5554: Robotics Sensing & Navigation @ NEU.
  • Implemented the visual SLAM package ORB_SLAM3 to use my own data.
  • Gathered an imageset using the NUance autonomous car.
  • Wrote an exhaustive setup guide on github.


Turtlebot3 Exploration Project

  • Final project for EECE-5550: Mobile Robotics @ NEU.
  • Wrote a ROS codebase for a turtlebot3 to autonomously map any closed space and identify all AprilTags.
  • Used the Cartographer ROS package and a modified Explore Lite to perform frontier exploration.
  • Wrote a custom particle filter to perform Monte-Carlo localization.

Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition, Auto-Nav Challenge

  • Led a team of students in building the Aluminum Whale, an autonomous driving robot.
  • Won 1st place & Rookie of the Year at the 2021 IGVC Auto-Nav event.
  • The robot was able to navigate through a road-like course, avoiding traffic barrels and remaining within painted lanes.
  • Implemented an EKF for localization, and used Computer Vision techniques to identify obstacles and lanes in a local map.

Engineering Physics Senior Design Project

  • Implemented a Kalman Filter to estimate the state of a simulated 2D mobile robot, and used evolutionary computation methods to optimize its parameters.
  • This allowed a basic linear KF to track the robot pose just as well as a manually tuned EKF with a proper nonlinear motion model.
  • This project was my Engineering Physics capstone @ OU.

Fantasy Dice

  • An all-in-one character sheet importer, dice roller, and video streaming app for playing Dungeons & Dragons remotely.
  • Won 2nd place overall & Best Use of Google Cloud at Hacklahoma 2021.


SCR Software Challenge

  • In-house competition that my team in Sooner Competitive Robotics ran in simulation for Summer 2020, since our in-person competitions were cancelled due to covid.
  • Individual challenge in which each person implemented an entire ROS software base to complete the task of navigating to a goal waypoint in a randomized environment.
  • Optional intermediate waypoints, higher obstacle density setting, and faster time all contributed to a better score.
  • My implementation used a reactive controller based on LiDAR data to avoid obstacles while naively steering toward the next GPS waypoint.

National Robotics Challenge, Autonomous Vehicle Competition

  • Built a small autonomous racing robot that runs on a known, static course.
  • Created trajectory planning system to maximize speed.
  • Implemented pure pursuit for navigation with a PID for motor control.
  • Competition was cancelled due to covid.


  • A web-game that encourages groups to connect together in lobbies and race to complete math problems.
  • I designed the back-end logic for handling lobbies, leaderboards, and the game itself using in python.
  • Won 3rd place overall in Hacklahoma 2020.


Mercury Remote Robot Challenge

  • This competition mimicks a far-away robot being teleoperated by a driver who cannot physically see or interact with the vehicle.
  • Drive team was more than 80 miles away while running the course, seeing only through the robot's onboard camera and sensors, and sending control commands back over the internet.
  • All mechanical components were 3D-printed, and the control software was designed to minimize latency.
  • We scored 2nd-highest among all teams, with the fastest course completion time.

Bee Clicker

  • Bee Clicker is a web-game that makes you care about the bees.
  • I made all the art for the game, and worked on the JavaScript backend.
  • Top Ten Hack at Hacklahoma 2019, with the theme "Save the Bees!"
  • Made some improvements after the event, and the game is still playable online!

On Reinforcement Learning, Nurturing, and the Evolution of Risk Neutrality

  • Goal of this project was to explore the effect of nurturing on the evolution of risk adversity (or lack thereof) in a population.
  • Created a Java codebase to simulate many generations of agents choosing among safe vs risky, high-payout options.
  • Found that a population with nurturing enabled risk-neutrality to develop, while the individualistic populations tended to adopt extreme risk-aversion.
  • My paper was published in the OU student journal THURJ in 2019, and won the Undergraduate Libraries Research Award 1st place scholarship.


Robogames' Autonomous 3kg Sumobot

  • We created a small robot which used a state machine to switch modes between defending itself and attempting to push the opponent out of the sumo ring.
  • I was the freshman team captain for this competition, ensuring objectives were met and organizing logistics such as our travel to the event in California.
  • Won 5th place at the international RoboGames 3kg Autonomous Sumo event.


FTC 6566 - Velocity Vortex

  • Built a robot to pick up colored balls and shoot them into movable baskets.
  • Also identified the correctly-colored side of beacons and pressed the correct button.
  • As team captain, I led team Circuit Breakers to the World Championship in the 2017 season, Velocity Vortex.
  • I've never been more proud of a project than our 2017 robot, The Demented Crab.


FTC 6566 - ResQ

  • High school competition to build a small robot to compete in 2v2 matches, with a different game each year.
  • Built a robot to extend an arm outwards to grab onto the top of a ramp and climb up it.


FTC 6566 - Cascade Effect

  • High school competition to build a small robot to compete in 2v2 matches, with a different game each year.
  • Built a robot to collect balls into a basket, then raise it up with a scissor-lift to deposit them for points.


FTC 6566 - Block Party

  • My first ever robotics team/competition!
  • We were not very successful but it was fun!
  • Built a robot to pick up and move around plastic cubes, as well as to raise a flag and hang from a horizontal beam.